Web Fundamentals | TryHackMe

Web Fundamentals | TryHackMe

Learn how the web works!


.NAME:Web Fundamentals .Profile: tryhackme.com .Diffculty: Easy .Description: Learn how the web works!

  • Task 1: Introduction and objectives:

This room is designed as a basic intro to how the web works.

"We'll cover HTTP requests and responses, web servers, cookies and then put them all to use in a mini Capture the Flag at the end". That is the mission of this room so get your brain and hands ready for this. I wont explain deeply on what it's all about, you should have learnt them in the room...only guide you into getting your answers. Lets continue. Screenshot 2021-07-03 15:06:04.png


  • Task 2: How do we load websites? Screenshot 2021-07-03 15:12:12.png

NOTE: Tho in getting your answers to this questions, read through the sub topic "Loading some content" in the task.Done?

  • Task 3: More HTTP - Verbs and request formats:

Screenshot 2021-07-03 15:18:00.png

Not getting it?

1)Post is the "verb" used for a login because post.png 2)GET is the "verb" used to see your bank balance once you're logged in because get.png 3)No,The body of a GET request does not matter because...Mostly be Ignored get request.png 4)Hmm...in getting the answer for this, we need to do some research about this "I'm a Teapot" status code and we dont have an idea about it, look through the Hint if you wish but lets check it out in our browser, In mine its looks like this:

mozila ss.png lets check it out and we got our answer: status code.png 5)Status code will you get if you need to authenticate to access some content, and you're unauthenticated?...hmm using our current mozilla page we can get our answer, look left to your screen, we have something talking about authentication Lets check it out:

http left view.png So after reading through i found something,hope you did too?

401 code.png Try out the status code..Done? Good job!

  • Task 4:Cookies,tasty!

mozilla link.png Dont forget to check out the link for extra info tho.

  • Task 5:Mini CTF:

mini ctf.png

After learning about Curl and how to use it in making both GET and POST requests,Time to get hands dirty!! we were told that their is a web server running in MACHINE_IP:PORT,check it out in your browser, you should get something like this: Screenshot 2021-07-01 08:12:47.png 1)Make a GET request to the web server with path /ctf/get: using the format:

curl http://<MACHINE_IP<port>/ctf/get You should get your flag: web fundamentals1.png

2)Make a POST request with the body "flag_please" to /ctf/post: using the format:

curl -X POST -d http://<MACHINE_IP>:<PORT>/ctf/post

Note: -d stands for "HTTP POST data"

You should get a flag: web fundamentals 2.png 3)Make a GET request to /ctf/getcookie and check the cookie the server gives you: using this format:

curl http://<MACHINE_IP>:<PORT>/ctf/getcookie -c -

Get the flag: we fundamentals 3.png Also Note: -c - flag is to retrieve the cookie.

And Finally:

4)Set a cookie with name "flagpls" and value "flagpls" in your devtools (or with curl!) and make a GET request to /ctf/sendcookie using this format:

curl -b "body=value" http://<MACHINE_IP>:<PORT>/ctf/sendcookie

FLAG: web fundamentals 3.png

Take Note: -b is "Body of the value"


Hope this helps someone out there...Cheers